Image by Deni Moreau from Pixabay

From its inception, advocacy has been one of the core functions of the Composting Council of Michigan. While many of our members compete within the state of Michigan, we have more power to advocate for our cause from a united front than most of our members have individually.

We work against policies and proposals that would hurt our members or our industry. Fighting the repeal of bans on yard trimmings being admitted to landfills, maintaining best practice standards, and keeping our members informed of relevant legislation are important facets of our advocacy strategy.

We write letters that support or oppose various pieces of legislation at the federal, state or local levels, and provide guidance for our members to do the same.

While we do work to make existing rules and regulations more amiable, our strongest focus is on being proactive.  We are working to propose and support the development of new policies, legislation or regulation that will help our industry grow.
